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S8C, HIFU Ulove-01 plus, SM10600ZHb kombinert med COMEY pleieprodukt tilbyr den komplette løsningen for minimal eller ikke-invasiv anti-aldringsbehandling

19 typer pigmenterte lesjoner
Ota's Nevus, Ito's Nevus, Zygomaticus, Mongolian Spot, Pigment Nevus, Post-inflamma tory Hyperpigmentation, Seborrh, Seborrheic Keratosism, CALMS, Nevus, Melasma, Mela nosis, Lentigo, Fregner, Blue nevus of the Tattoo, Erlithron Nevus ansikt og nakke, Porokeratosis.

Anti-aging Center
Anti-aging Center
Anti-aging Center

Innleggstid: 13. mai 2022